Levi Carpman is an Arizona based musician, composer, and sound designer. After studying Jazz drums and Music Technology at the University of Northern Colorado he began working full time out of his home studio as a composer, sound designer, and educator.

Recent Projects

  • Schlussel – Indie Dev Game Jam
    This project was a crunch with only a 3 day timeline for this jam, but we had a great team and got it done. I’m also happy to say my audio was ranked #5 out of 94 entries! https://mirinfano.itch.io/schlussel
  • Airwiggles Music Contest
    I had a great time scoring some pixel art scenes for the first Airwiggles music contest. For anyone who hasn’t heard of the group, it is a basically a social media site just for sound designers and composers, and is a great community to be a part of.
  • New Website
    I’ve decided to overhaul my website to more accurately show my recent work. I’ve decided instead of scattering everything to the winds, I would just centralize it all here.